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Cosmic Health Online Group at Nibana in Annapolis Maryland. Join an Ascension group of Cosmainaire Souls.


Are you a Lightworker, StarSeed or StarChild?

Would you like to find out if you are and join an Ascension group of

Cosmanaire Souls!

Become part of a high frequency group and enjoy your ASCENSION healing journey AWAKENING you to your INNER LIGHT and MAINTAINING it at the same time!


This ONLINE group is for those not able to attend the in person group. We will meet via ZOOM twice a month for a Wisdom Class and an Ascension Trance Guided Healing Meditation. These classes will allow your body and mind to awaken to a healthier state of living. 


You can join monthly for both classes or join each class individually and pay as you go!


Many of us experience a shift after a class or a healing session but we always find a way to fall back into our lives with the tendency to fall back into old patterns, routines and cellular memory cycles that make us feel like we are going backward instead of forward and we find ourselves back into a cycle of 3rd dimensional FEAR which brings us into negative feelings toward Self and our life.


This happens because we are not consistent with our routines. It takes repetition to retrain our minds, emotions, and energy body to live in a Love based consciousness. Repetition and Consistency is the only way to do this so we can program our 3rd dimensional Being to shift up to the 4th/5th Dimensional Higher Frequency Being and stay there permanently vibrating as a multidimensional Being of Love.


These two classes have been designed to assist you to shift and grow from and attain that 5th Dimensional Bliss. It doesn’t matter whether you are starting on your healing journey, in the middle or have been working on your healing for years now. This package will assist you with:


  • Opening your psychic gifts.
  • Activating & Upgrading your 12 strand DNA.
  • Awakening you to a higher Awareness of Love.
  • Understanding the Wisdom of the Ascension.
  • Recalibrating your Luminous Body to that of a Higher Consciousness.

Below you will find all the necessary information concerning these Ascension Classes that are held on Tuesdays at 6pm:


Tuesdays: Sep 5th | Oct 3rd | Nov 7th | Dec 5th



  • During this class you will receive updates on the energies to expect during the month so you can understand how to move through it with ease because you’ll know what to expect. 

  • Ascension updates and information so you can fully integrate into the upcoming humanity shift toward the Ascension and 5D energy.

Tuesdays: Sep 12th | Oct 17th | Nov 21st | Dec 19th


Nicky will take you on healing journeys teaching you to shift your consciousness to a higher frequency. She will use voice techniques, tones, Cosmic Reiki energy and Light Language so you can receive Activations, Awakenings, Healings, Light Code upgrades and more…. The goal is to upgrade your DNA and Cells so your Homo Sapien being can shift into the Homo Omegan frequency to find FREEDEOM from all 3rd Dimensional Fear frequencies.


When Are Classes Held?:

We meet via ZOOM on Tuesdays

Zoom links will be sent for both classes at the beginning of each month.


How Long Do The Classes Last?:

They are 60 min classes starting at 6pm


How Much Do These Classes Cost?:

$36 per class


Payment Process:

Payment will be taken from a credit card you provide or Paypal.


How To Sign Up:

Send an email to Nicky or call 443.949.9070 to enroll.

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