You do not need to be experienced to take any of these workshops.
All workshops are here to assist you with your Knowledge and Ascension Energy.
Workshop Pricing:
Up to 2hrs: $66 | Up to 4hrs: $88 | Day: $122-$133 | HHWT Weekend: $244-$400
HHWT Students You Can Repeat Any Day of your Weekend Training Class for FREE if space is available
When You Sign Up 1/2 the Amount Will Be Taken As A Non-Refundable Deposit To Secure Your Seat.
See Calendar Of Events For Dates!
Ayurveda & Kundalini Practices For Beginners w/ Preeti Prakash Kaur
Come and join Preeti to learn all about the Kundalini energy to a higher consciousness and Ayurveda practices.
Ayurveda is an alternative medicine system with historical roots in the Indian subcontinent. The theory and practice of Ayurveda is pseudoscientific. Ayurveda is heavily practiced in India and Nepal, where around 80% of the population report using it.
Subjects To Be Taught:
- What is Ayurveda?
- Where does Ayurveda come from?
- What are doshas?
- What is the connection between the elements and our food?
- What foods should we eat based on our constitution?
- How can we enhance digestion using Ayurveda?
- What is my dosha? (Dosha Quiz)
- Which season reflects which dosha?
- How can I eat appropriately in each season to ensure optimal health?
- What are some recipes that show how to eat Ayurvedically?
- What does Ayurveda say about exercise?
- What is the connection between Ayurveda and Yoga?
- How can I apply Ayurveda in my daily life?
- What are some of the daily routines of Ayurveda?
- How can I listen to my body to understand which doshas are out of balance?
- Which Ayurvedic remedies can I use to treat common ailments?
- What does modern medicine have to say about Ayurveda?
- What does Ayurveda say about cleansing and fasting?
- Why is Ayurveda so important in our modern world?
- What is Panchakarma?
- Where can I receive Panchakarma?
- What other healing methods are involved with Ayurveda?
- What does it mean to live a balanced life?
Kundalini is the feminine form of the Sanskrit adjective meaning "circular" or "coiled." In yoga, the word applies to the life force that lies like a coiled serpent at the base of the spine and that can be sent along the spine to the head through prescribed postures and exercises. On the way, the kundalini passes through six chakras or points of physical or spiritual energy in the human body. At the seventh chakra, the yogi is said to experience enlightenment.
Subjects To Be Taught:
- What is Kundalini Yoga?
- Where did Kundalini Yoga originate?
- How does Kundalini differ from other styles of yoga?
- What does Kundalini Yoga do for us?
- What language is used in Kundalini Yoga?
- How can we use Kundalini Yoga to better our lives?
- Can beginners practice Kundalini?
- What is the Aquarian Age?
- What is the connection between Kundalini Yoga and the Aquarian Age?
- What is turban technology?
- What is a mantra?
- What is the importance of sound in Kundalini Yoga?
This wonderful day of wisdom workshop is for newbies to this subject and those who are familiar with Kundalini and Ayurveda healing techniques.
Jan ~ Feb ~ March 2025
A Healing Wisdom Workshop Series Co-Lead by Jess Floyd PhD & Nicky BCHHWP It will allow for deep learning & healing to occur in your Divine Feminine Body.
What Will You Learn:
What are the stories women have internalized about their bodies, their desires, and their place in the world? How do these stories, histories, and encounters shape relationships with the self, body, and sensual life?
This three-session workshop is designed for women to delve deeply into their divine feminine sexuality and work toward writing and claiming a new iteration of sensuality, pleasure, and power.
Classes can be taken individually or as a full 3 series workshop and are designed for women who are interested in deepening their connection to their feminine side, their bodies, and to generating empowered desire and pleasure.
This is a co-lead workshop with Jess sharing histories, narratives, and cultural treatments of women's sexuality and Nicky facilitating healing and energetic ascension based on key themes covered in the workshop.
Attendees will experience both instruction and healing around women’s sexuality, desire, and pleasure with topics including female archetypes and goddesses, stories about female sensuality, sexual histories that shape the ways we see ourselves in the world, and the return to bodies and pleasures on our own terms.
You will be guided through healing opportunities around workshop discussion points including expression through art, healing through sound, visualizing with meditation, and releasing in a deeply transformative fire ceremony.
• Relationship with female anatomy
• Connection to divine feminine power
• Re-writing female narratives
• Changing old beliefs
• Fostering a love of self
• Generating a revised vision of sexual self
• Locating areas of grief, loss, and distance
• Manifesting new possibility
• Renewing relationships with partners
This is going to be a profoundly transformative workshop that is open to everyone in need of taking back their feminine power.
If you are interested in joining us or have question, click here and let us know: BOOK/Contact/Questions
Numerology For Soul Destiny
Payment: $244 ($44 Deposit + $200)
Certification Class for those wishing to use this in your Business or earn and income from readings.
Come join us and learn about how powerful numerology can be!
The study of numbers and their energetic influence in your life can be life changing. According to numerologists (people who practice numerology), numbers have a far deeper meaning than their numerical value and can offer insight on unique characteristics, future events and even your life purpose.
During this class we will discuss the what, why and when of numerology and how it can help you navigate your life, business, work and more.
Among other subjects, we will delve into finding out about the significance of your:
Life Path Number: Your Purpose In Life
Soul Urge Number: What will make you happy
Expression Number: How you come across to others.
Birthday Number: What your talents and abilities are
Business Number: If you have a business we can look at the name frequency and more.
Soul Ascension Identity Number: Understanding your Purpose
No experience needed... just come and have fun learning!
See Calendar Of Events For Dates!
Energetic Anatomy
Chakra is a Sanskrit word and it means wheel. In ancient India, Chakras were used as various forms of energy. It is the focal point of the human body used in meditation practice. With the previous era we only discussed and had the possibility to activate the 7 main chakras. Now with the new Era of Aquarius and the shift of consciousness we have the possibility to tap into and activate our 12 Chakra System. During this workshop you will understand all 12 Chakras and have the possibility to activate them once you understand and are aware of them.
Optimal health is achieved by activating, energizing and balancing your chakras first and only then may you find that your dis~eases can decrease almost 80 percent. The remaining 20% needs to come from a change of mindset, diet etc....
If you ignore the energetic chakra system, imbalances in your Body, Mind and Soul can magnify into a flow that goes against the natural preferences of a healthy body.
During this Workshop You will Learn:
> The Earth's Chakras, Portals & Spirit Lines
> The Humanoid 5th Dimensional 12 Cosmic Chakra System
> Go Through a cleansing of 3D to Activate your 5D Energetic System
Please join us if you are interested in understanding Chakras and Keeping them happy. We will activate them for you during this workshop so you can initiate your Energetic Body Journey....
Learning To Read People ~ Body Language, Facial Expressions & Voice Techniques
Saturday 7th & Sunday the 8th ~ 9:30am to 4:30pm
Payment: $133 for 1 day or $244 if you sign up for both days $22 saving!
You do not need to join the Holistic Health & Wellness Program to take this workshop. You may just want to take one of the two days or both depending on your needs and desires. Add it to your existing practice or for your life in general to learn how to read people in your personal life and work life. We will be separating this weekend into 2 Saturdays as follows:
PART I ~ Saturday. We will learn what Energy Psychology is and how/why to apply it with Clients, Family and Friends as well as SELF. Finding out how we come across is very important for our personal growth.
PART II ~ Sunday. We will continue to learn but practice also, going out into the field to People Watch and learn how Humans behave!
What Will You Learn During These Workshops?
Understand what Energy Psychology is and apply it to your life and those around you.
What is and How to become an Intuitive Soul Guidance Practitioner
Benefits Of Understanding Who We Are
To read someone's Body Language, Facial Expressions.
Understand tones of voices and what they can mean.
Connect with someone on an energetic level.
How to position your body, use your voice and facial expressions to have someone feel safe.
Understand the meaning of the words left unsaid or read between the lines of the few words mentioned.
Become more Intuitive as you connect with a person's energy field.
During this class you will have the opportunity to understand how to Intuitively Read a person whether it is for professional reasons or just to understand your family and friends. Being able to do this brings insights, guidance and clarity to one's Life Journey and Purpose as well as providing support moving forward.
So, If you want to come learn and enhance your knowledge, whatever your age or occupation is this is a fun class for you to do.
Let Us know if you have any questions or wish to sign using this link: CONTACT US!
See Calendar Of Events For Dates!
Meditation & Mindfulness Techniques
Life as we know it can bring us much Stress, Worry, Anxiety and more..... In this wonderful healing workshop you will learn how movement can cleanse & rejuvenate your Energetic Body and easy techniques for meditation. We will delve into the following subjects:
- Difference Between Meditation & Mindfulness
- The Science Behind Meditation
- Benefits of Meditation & Mindfulness
- Importance Of The Breath
- The Importance Of Sound or No Sound
- How To Meditate
- Meditation Techniques
See Calendar Of Events For Dates!
Healing Through Astrology & Moonology
Description Coming Soon!
1st STEP: Call or Text 667 . 500 . 2076 | Email:
2nd STEP: Complete the Student Form
3rd STEP: A non-refundable deposit will be taken at the time of sign up
See Calendar Of Events For Dates!
Natural Remedies For Healing
Beginners Guide To Aromatherapy, Healing Crystals & Crystal Gridding
Crystals and Aromatherapy act as a power hold for healing as they allow positive, fruitful energy to flow into the body and do away with the negative, toxic energy. Like other forms of alternative therapy, crystals and aromatherapy work by channelizing your energy levels, focusing on healing your body from the inside.
With this certificate course you can use crystals and aromatherapy with clients, friends and family.
Come Join Us To Learn & Play with Crystals:
1. Where From & What Are Crystals?
2. How Do Crystals Heal?
3. Must Have Crystals In Your Toolbox
4. Creating Your Personal Crystal Prescription -
1. What Are And Purpose Of Crystal Grids
2. Most Popular Grids To Create
3. How To Set Up & Create A Grid
4. Energizing & Activating Your Grid
1. History Of Aromatherapy
2. What Are The Properties Of Essential Oils?
3. How Should You Store Your Essential Oils?
4. How To Use Essential Oils?
5. Choosing Your Aromatherapy Brand
6. Creating Your Own Aromatherapy Elixir Spray
Learn to bring out that Inner Child within you!
See Calendar Of Events For Dates!
Learn To Channel, Telepathically Communicate And Open Your Clairs To A Higher Consciousness
​These classes are ONLINE as well as IN-PERSON
’Remote Viewing,’ popularly known as Extra Sensory Perception (ESP) or Psychokinesis (PK) is the ability of a human being to perceive information and imagery of remote geographical targets or physical ailments.
This class will transform your consciousness to your Seventh Sense of awareness. You will learn the history, techniques & be able to practice Remote Viewing for work or self healing & activating your clairvoyance muscle. Remote Viewing offers a path to Self-Inquiry and Self-Realization that will expand your limited awareness of the consciousness shared by all humans. Extrasensory controlled remote viewing is an advanced psychic ability that will allow you to mentally see information hundreds or even thousands of miles away. It is an activity whereby a remote viewer tunes in to an object, location, or event inaccessible by normal means—regardless of time, distance, or location.
You will be taught how to:
Astral Yoga
Channel Unseen Information
Telepathically Communicate
Remote View Di~sease within the body (great for healers)
If you are a practitioner, you will be able to use this to assist you with your clients or with this certification you can open a new channel of work. It is associated with the idea of clairvoyance & claircognizant, seemingly being able to spontaneously See & Know something without understanding how you got the information. It is also sometimes called "Anomalous Cognition" or "Seventh Sight".
See Calendar Of Events For Dates!
Energy Wellness Protocols Workshop
Tools for Cleansing, Renewing & Protecting your Luminous Body, Clients, Home, Office & Family
Our body is made up of energy and we can receive yummy energy or not so yummy energy from those around us as well as electronics and more......
It is not always just electronics that pull on your energy but people also. These people are called Energy Vampires. Energy vampires are people who, the majority of times unconsciously, just drain your emotional body. They feed on your willingness to listen & care for them. They end up leaving you exhausted & overwhelmed. Energy vampires can be anywhere and anyone. They can be your spouse or your best friend. They can be your cubicle mate or your neighbor.
It is so important to protect our energy and that of our loved ones at this crucial energetic time. There are so many energetic pulling frequencies that will cause you to feel off-balanced, anxious, and frustrated living a way of life that just doesn't feel right. Learning how to identify and respond to the toxic behavior of Energy Vampires that can be found in your home, place of work or play, even when you go to the stores you can have your energy taken. So understanding & learning to preserve your energy and protect yourself from a great deal of emotional — and physical — distress is life changing!
You Will Learn:
~ Who can drain your energy & their symptoms
~ How to recognize Energy Vampires & when your energy is being taken
~ Self Protection Protocols to stop this from happening
~ What Else can drain our energy & how to stop it from happening
~ Grounding Exercises
~ Learning to protect others, your home, car & workspace
~ Crystals for Protection to strengthen your Auric Field
~ You will also receive an Energy Healing inside the Salt Cave.
The workshop is for anyone wanting to initiate their journey of rebalancing & owning their energy to keep a well-balanced emotional & physical body.
Sign Up To Join Our Next Class 2025
Saturday | Sunday ~ 9am to 5pm
Payment: $400 ($300 w/a $100 Deposit)
This is also a Certification Course
Tom will guide you through the basic principles and practices of Shamanism and shamanic medicine, a 30,000 year old spiritual and healing based practice. You will actively engage in:
• Creating Sacred Space - a place where you will let go of the physical world to connect with the non-ordinary reality to perform ceremony and ritual, to connect with Spirit(s), ancestors, and self, and for healing yourself, others, and the Earth.
• Shamanic Journeying - where you will travel to the three worlds of shamanism to find and transmute the wounds you carry from trans-generational soul contracts, gain information about your life’s journey, retrieve lost power, and retrieve lost soul parts.
• Creating powerful relationships with animal allies, spirit Guides, celestial teachers, cosmic light beings, mountain and land spirits and others to protect and guide you in your life’s journey.
• Fire ceremony - allowing you to release those feelings, beliefs and stories of yourself that no longer serve you, transforming and renewing them into new patterns and beliefs for your life, and to manifest your dreams of the new you.
• Employing the ancient knowledge of the Medicine Wheel - where you will experience connection to your own healing including shadow work, past life and ancestral healing through archetypical beings and elements.
• And Other shamanic practices including: Creating offerings to the Earth Mother, exploring the energy body from a shamanic medicine perspective, and experiencing the importance of “ayni”, the Quechan principle of reciprocity and its importance to the connection of all things and to life balance.
Contact us if you wish to sign up for this wonderful weekend of Healing Wisdom.