Saturday 7th 9:30am to 4:30pm | Sunday 29th 9:30am to 4:30pm + Energy Upgrade in the Cave
Since the latter 1990's humans have been on a rollar coaster with many ups and downs to align our energies and that of the planet to a higher consciousness which is transforming the Earth into a 5th Dimensional realm of Love & Lightness allowing us to release our 3D of Fear which is what we have been born into since 10,000 years ago during the Era of Piscies. Learning how to expand our awareness to live in our heart center to find balance, harmony & peace is a lifelong journey and it is important that we understand what it is so we can prepare for it. In 2012 we were not ready to receive such light but now we are given another chance in 2023 so we need to be prepared for this wonderful opportunity and energy that is now pouring onto this planet giving us a 10 year opportunity to shift.
Understanding Ascension, 5D, Cosmic Energies & our Energetic Future. We will be delving into the Cosmic Knowledge, who we are, where we are and where we are going dimensionally. During this weekend you should leave with a good idea of "the Bigger Picture of All That Is", why you are going through what you are going through physically, mentally & emotionally and have a better understanding of how to navigate & rewrite your energetic blueprint into your future!
This 1 or 2 day Workshop should shed much light on the energy you may be feeling on the planet, your personal energy and what is being shared online about Ascension, 5D or the New Earth.
This workshop is highly recommended for Cosmic Reiki Practitioners, Holistic Health Practitioners, Teachers, Medical Practitioners, Mothers of the new children on this Earth and really anyone who is looking to prepare for the Ascension that is already in motion. Understanding what it is will help you avoid chaos as we go into the next 10 years of shifting into it. Let's see what you will be learning:
DAY 1: Saturday the 7th of October~ 9:30am to 4:30pm
What Is The Ascension, New Earth, 5D Energy?
What Is Spiritual Dimension Of Reality? Dimensions, Consciousness
Ascension Timeline from Beginning to 2024
What Is The HomoOmega Human?
Who Is Involved With The Planetary Shift: Starseeds, StarChildren and Cosmic Beings
DAY 2: Sunday the 8th of October~ 9:30am to 4:30pm
Ascension Timeline from 2032 to 2050
What Are The Ascension Physical Symptoms & What You Can Do To Help Them?
Understanding Ascension Psychic Gifts and What To Expect
What Will It Be Like To Live On The New Earth?​
4:30am to 5:30pm
We will end on the second day of training inside the Cave with an Upgrade of your energy to match this Ascension Higher Frequency and the Fall Equinox and October Eclipse Season.
Natural Remedies for Healing: Holistic Healing Tools For Your Toolbox
Saturday ~ 9am to 5pm | Sunday ~ 9am to 4pm
Crystals and Aromatherapy act as a power hold for healing as they allow positive, fruitful energy to flow into the body and do away with the negative, toxic energy. Like other forms of alternative therapy, crystals and aromatherapy work by channelizing your energy levels, focussing on healing your body from the inside.
With this certificate course you can use crystals and aromatherapy with clients, friends and family.
Come Join Us To Learn & Play with Crystals:
SATURDAY: 9am to 5pm
1. Where From & What Are Crystals?
2. How Do Crystals Heal?
3. Must Have Crystals In Your Toolbox?
4. Creating Your Personal Crystal Prescription -
1. What Are And Purpose Of Crystal Grids
2. Most Popular Grids To Create
3. How To Set Up & Create A Grid
4. Energizing & Activating Your Grid
SUNDAY: 9am to 4pm
1. History Of Aromatherapy
2. What Are The Properties Of Essential Oils?
3. How Should You Store Your Essential Oils?
4. How To Use Essential Oils?
5. Choosing Your Aromatherapy Brand?
6. Creating Your Own Aromatherapy Elixir Spray
Learn to bring out that Inner Child within you!
Contact Nicky on 443 . 949 . 9070 to reserve your spot
If you are a Sporadic Weekend Student, not on track for the Board Certification you will still
receive a Certificate from Nibana's School Of Wisdom for having completed the weekend course taken
iFeel ~ Kundalini/Ayurveda ~ iColour:
Saturday ~ 9am to 5pm | Sunday ~ 9am to 4pm
This is a combined teaching effort weekend: Nicky will be taking you through the Feelings & Colour and Preeti Prakash Kaur will be taking you into the world of Kundalini & Ayurveda.
- Saturday Preeti will teach all about the Kundalini energy to a higher consciousness and Ayurvedic practices that you can use on clients and/or Self!
- Sunday will be all about the concept of healing through Colour, how and why it works!
Kundalinī is the feminine form of the Sanskrit adjective meaning "circular" or "coiled." In yoga, the word applies to the life force that lies like a coiled serpent at the base of the spine and that can be sent along the spine to the head through prescribed postures and exercises. On the way, the kundalini passes through six chakras, or points of physical or spiritual energy in the human body. At the seventh chakra, the yogi is said to experience enlightenment.
Ayurveda is an alternative medicine system with historical roots in the Indian subcontinent. The theory and practice of Ayurveda is pseudoscientific. Ayurveda is heavily practiced in India and Nepal, where around 80% of the population report using it.
This wonderful day of wisdom workshop is for newbies to this subject and those that are familiar with Kundalini and Ayurveda healing techniques.
Contact Nicky on 443.949.9070 to reserve your seat at this Training.
1 day training
Business Side Of A Holistic Health & Wellness Practitioner:
Saturday ~ 9:30am to 4pm
This class is for anyone who is looking to work in the field of Holistic Healing and/or existing business owners
You will learn all about what clients do not see which is the inner workings of your healing practice. We will look into subject such as:
~ Deciding if you want to be a Practitioner, Business owner or both
~ Understanding what you excel in and what you don't
~ How to create a name for yourself, business cards, website etc..
~ How to look for a job in this field
~ How to create a personal summary and more.....
Meditation & Mindfulness
Saturday ~ 9am to 5pm | Sunday ~ 9am to 4pm
You will learn the difference between Meditation & Mindfulness. We will delve into different techniques to release stress, anxiety and feeling overwhelmed with life. Understanding to create the energy for a better life.
The following subjects will be taught during this training weekend:
~ Movement & Release Techniques
~ Qualities of living through Mindfulness with Focus & Manifestation
~ How to practice Meditation correctly
~ How to set up an alter and have it assist with our connection
~ How to breathe to assist with a deeper transcendence of energy
Shamanic Healing Wisdom and Practices of a Medicine Person with Shaman Tom
Friday ~ 4pm to 7pm | Saturday ~ 10am to 5pm | Sunday ~ 10am to 4pm
Shamanic Healing Wisdom and Practices of a Medicine Person with Shaman Tom
Friday ~ 4pm to 7pm | Saturday ~ 10am to 5pm | Sunday ~ 10am to 4pm
In this course you will learn the basic principles of Shamanism and shamanic medicine. You will actively engage in creating Sacred Space, shamanic journeying, fire ceremonies, and creating offerings to the Earth Mother. You will investigate the components of the Medicine Wheel and experience their connection to your own healing through archetypal beings and elements. You will explore the energy body from a shamanic medicine perspective as it relates to the chakras. You will learn the importance of “ayni”, the Quechan principle of reciprocity, and its importance to the connection of all things and to life balance. Engaging in an exercise of ancestral healing will provide you with an understanding of your energetic linage, and through intentional journeying you will gain new insights about yourself. You will learn about the tools of the shaman and shamanic energy healing.
Students are asked to bring a small stone that fits easily into the palm of the hand.
The following subjects will be taught during this training weekend:
- Creating Sacred Space
- History and Basic Principles of Shamanism
- Shamanic Journeying Part I
- The Medicine Wheel and its Importance to Shamanism
- The Energy Body
- The Five Great Elements
- The Fire Ceremony
- Ancestral Healing
- Tools of the Shaman
- Shamanic Journeying Part II-
- Shamanic Energy healing
Energetic BluePrint: What Is Our Energetic Body & How Does It Relate To Others?
Saturday ~ 9am to 5pm | Sunday ~ 9am to 4pm
What is your Energetic BluePrint? It is your personal Soul Signature. It is the energetics you came into this world with. Everybody has a unique way of being, experiencing & processing life. The blueprint represents the different frequencies, bandwidths, and layers. In other words your energy body. During this weekend you will learn about:
> The Meridians
> 5th Dimensional Chakra System
> The Auric Field
This will allow you to keep yours and your clients clear, light & balanced
Soul Guidance Coaching: Life Coaching, Body Language & Voice Techniques
Saturday ~ 9am to 5pm | Sunday ~ 9am to 4pm
A Soul Guidance Coach is a type of wellness professional who helps people make progress in their lives in order to attain greater fulfillment. Coaches aid their clients in improving their relationships, careers, and day-to-day lives. Coaches can help you clarify your goals, identify the obstacles holding you back, and then come up with strategies for overcoming each obstacle. In creating these strategies, Coaches target your unique skills and gifts. By helping you to make the most of your strengths, Coaching provide the support you need to achieve long-lasting change.
This is a great workshop for those who love people watching, reading energy & would like to better their communication skills with Self & Others. If you are in the service industry you will learn some techniques to understand clients & know how to communicate with them.
We will be taking a look at Body Language, what people are saying without words. Voice intonations & our words.
Saturday ~ 9am to 5pm | Sunday ~ 9am to 4pm
Learning the Lunar Cycles & How they can be used to assist with Healing & our Life.
Have you ever wondered how the moon and astrology impact your daily life? Have you longed to deepen your connection to your intuitive knowing, but aren’t quite sure how? This weekend experience will teach you how to sync up to the lunar cycle so that you can find the energy you need to live the life of your dreams.
Take time out of your life to transform your energy levels so that you can actually do all of the things you intuitively know you were born to do! The Lunar Cycle is a natural rhythm that you can sync up to in order to manifest your deepest desires and connect you to your feminine energy source.
This weekend will take you on a deep dive into Moonology and what it means to connect to the Goddess within. Learn how to balance your ego and your intuition as you consciously cultivate a life that is aligned to your highest self.
You will get the opportunity to learn everything in the 2-hour workshop in addition to experiences that will help you:
- Discover the difference between Sun and Moon astrology and how to use it to guide you
- Use Moon salutations to connect your physical body to your intuitive knowing
- Learn about emotional weather forecasting and how to moon impacts the mood of you and those around you
- Use the moon’s energy to schedule yourself, your business activities and your clients
- Find out the Moon phase you were born under and the implications it has on your life
- Experience Moon rituals designed for each moon phase
Expanding your Consciousness ~ $366
Friday + Saturday + Sunday ~ 9am to 5pm
This class will transform your consciousness to your Seventh Sense of awareness. You will learn the history, techniques & be able to practice this modality for work or self healing. Remote Viewing offers a path to Self-Inquiry and Self-Realization that will expand your limited awareness of the consciousness shared by all humans. Extrasensory controlled remote viewing is an advanced psychic ability that will allow you to mentally see information hundreds or even thousands of miles away. It is an activity whereby a remote viewer tunes in to an object, location, or event inaccessible by normal means—regardless of time, distance, or location.
If you are a practitioner, you will be able to use this to assist you with your clients or with this certification you can open a new channel of work. It is associated with the idea of clairvoyance & claircognizant, seemingly being able to spontaneously See & Know something without understanding how you got the information. It is also sometimes called "Anomalous Cognition" or "Seventh Sight".
Saturday 9am to 5pm | Sunday 9am to 4pm
Our body is made up of energy and we can receive yummy energy or not so yummy energy from those around us as well as electronics and more...... It is not always just electronics that pull on your energy but people also. These people are called Energy Vampires. Energy vampires are people who, the majority of times unconsciously just drain your emotional body. They feed on your willingness to listen & care for them. They end up leaving you exhausted & overwhelmed. Energy vampires can be anywhere and anyone. They can be your spouse or your best friend. They can be your cubicle mate or your neighbor.
It is so important to protect our energy and that of our loved ones at this crucial energetic time. There are so many energetic pulling frequencies that will cause you to feel off balanced, anxious, frustrated living a way of life that just doesn't feel right. Learning how to identify and respond to the toxic behavior of Energy Vampires that can be found in your home, place of work or play, even when you go to the stores you can have your energy taken. So understanding & learning to preserve your energy and protect yourself from a great deal of emotional — and physical — distress is life changing!
During this workshop you will learn a few techniques on how to protect your energy from all that is negative surrounding you, allowing you to remain in a state of Balance & Harmony staying grounded to this wonderful Mother Earth.
~ Overview of past month's progress and Q&A
~ Holistic Anatomy & the importance of Grounding
~ Who & What can drain your energy & their symptoms
~ How to recognize Energy Vampires & when your energy is being taken
~ Self Protection Protocols to stop this from happening
~ Learning to protect others, your home, car etc..
~ Crystals for Protection to strengthen your Auric Field
~ Working with clients: Your energy, their energy & maintaining a healthy workspace environment
~ During this weekend you will receive cleansing, healing, and protection energy.