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A multi-line sound wave and frequency wave. Vibroacoustic Therapy.


60 mins ~ $49 ~ 30 mins ~ $36

What Does a VibroAcousstic Therapy Session Look Like?

A whole-body vibration with specific sound frequencies to bring your personal and unique frequency back into alignment.

We will start this session with a brief conversation to check your energy and understand where your frequency is.


Then you will be taken to the VibroAcoustic Therapy Bed where you will lie down and have some sound cancelling headphones placed on your ears so you can listen to specific sounds that will have you release Stress, Fear, Anxiety, Worry, Panic Attacks, assist you with Sleep Disorders and more.....


A cozy blanket will be placed over you to cocoon you having you feel safe for this experience. A crystal eye mask will connect your Third Eye, Pituitary & Pineal glands and open you to your Higher Self allowing you to go into a meditative state


The sound and vibration transmits energy to your body, forcing your muscles to contract and relax dozens of times in a gentle and subtle way. It will vibrate through your Chakra system and Auric Field to bring your personal and unique frequency back to its state of origin and your authentic frequency.

What is VibroAcoustic Therapy?
VibroAcoustic Therapy, also known as VAT, is essentially a deep tissue low-frequency sound & vibration massage using audio waves that are being transmitted to the body by embedded transducers in the bed. The sound gently permeates the cells allowing massage from inside as well as out. The water in our body ranges from 60% to 78% and water transmits sound and vibrations perfectly to our bodies. This creates an inner peace and much healing. 

How VAT Affects the Body
The mechanism of action of VAT is the oscillation of the human nervous system with frequencies and resonance characteristics of various muscle groups. VAT combines these resonance frequency programs based on experimentally based effects, evaluated by patient reactions. Thousands of research hours have taught us how to use these programs to relax, stimulate and relieve pain.

Who Can Benefit From VAT?
VAT can be used as a stand-alone session or added on to any other service you may have. VAT has been studied by researchers and has been reported to have the following benefits:

  • Autism

  • PTSD

  • Parkinson

  • General physical injuries

  • Brain function

  • COPD

  • Asthma

  • Increase sleep quality

  • Reduce or eliminate the effects of stress

  • Address PTSD / somatic (physical) symptoms

  • Regulate the limbic system (emotional memories)

  • Activate the Relaxation Response

  • Reduce anxiety and muscle pain or spasms

  • Shorten healing periods

  • Increase circulation


As you lie on this healing bed your everyday thinking will slow down allowing for the body and mind awareness to expand. Some people experience a dream-like or deep meditative state. Others fall asleep, report seeing colors, experience clarity and new insight, and feel relief of pain or other beneficial symptoms. 

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