What Is 5D Ascension?
First Let's Understand the Dimensions:
3D or 3rd Dimension: Represents Fears, Control and Masculine energy.
This is what we on Earth have/are living in.
4D or 4th Dimension:
Represents the in-between dimension that we need to go through to reach the 5th.
5D or 5th Dimension:
Represents Love, Light and Freedom. Higher Frequency energy that is pouring down on Humans. This energy has been felt by some since December 21, 2012.
Nibana is the vehicle to assist you shift from 3D to 5D. A place of Love, Joy, Peace, Harmony, Freedom, Compassion and Spiritual Wisdom.
This is also known as The Age of Aquarius and New Earth.

What Is Spiritual Awakening?
A Spiritual Awakening is a call to higher consciousness and deeper mental awareness. A state of FREEDOM! The process of spiritual awakening brings about personal transformation and a shift in one’s worldview. When someone goes through a spiritual awakening they experience a shift in their mental framework.
For many a spiritual awakening is brought about by a life changing event. For others it is a gradual and subtle shift. A spiritual awakening is the dissolving of the illusion that you are separate from oneness.
A spiritual awakening occurs throughout your body, heart, mind, and soul.
When you allow to release the old 3rd Dimensional paradigms your life becomes easier, balanced and peaceful.

Spiritual Awakening Symptoms
To find out if you are going through your Spiritual Awakening you may be feeling some of these:
> Dizziness
> Ringing in the ears
> Your body is just hurting> Your dreams are more vivid
> You feel stagnant in your life
> Headaches & Head Pressure> You're becoming more intuitive
> Your relationships are changing
> You feel disconnected or detached
> You are picking up on others energy
> Your beliefs don't feel right anymore
> You feel you need to connect to something but you do not know what> Your experiencing synchronicities and déjà vu & numbers
If you are interested in ascending to the 5th Dimension of Consciousness, going through Spiritual Awakening symptoms and/are craving to learn more about the New Earth these are the tools that can assist you to Awaken, Ascend & Transcend:
Energy Medicine
Kundalini | Yoga
Sound Healing
Healthy Eating
Conscious Living
Shamanic Healing
Here at Nibana we can assist with your energy upgrade, knowledge and guide you on this journey...